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Emotional Stress Education for Police, Military & Veterans


One of the most important aspects of dealing with stress is taking yourself out of the situation, and not personalizing it. Because when you do, you quickly become the victim thus making it difficult to cope with the torrent of negative emotions ready to consume your being.


Studies show time and again that emotional intelligence(EQ) predicts future success in stressful conditions. Acknowledging this fact is the first step in developing the tools that will take you to new level of awareness, which is usually missing in our day to day lives.


EZ Awakenings is equipped to teach you the most effective methods for preparing individuals before, during, and after the emotional storm. Don’t let the fear determine what you will do and who you are as a person. Take the first step and we’ll meet you on this new path to a higher EQ.




This Program Will Dive Into The Dynamics Of:


  • Before – Tools to prepare you before you start the job

  • During – Tools and strategies to keep you calm on the job

  • After – Tools to carry you through when returning to normal life



Set-up (Before)


      Meditation: helps with focus, calmness, coping with thoughts of future stress

      Presence: remaining calm when faced with unstable people, thoughts of past situations

      Emotional Intelligence: learning about individual emotions, their characteristics, the origin of fear, compassion for yourself


Diving Within (During)


      Meditation: on the job strategies for staying in the moment which are rooted in meditation techniques

      Presence: self-enquiry and self-talk to stay aware during minute to minute activities that can easily pull you out of reality and into mental nightmares that lead to bad decisions and conditions, not personalizing situations and losing sight that you are here to serve, giving is the greatest gift

      Emotional Intelligence: knowing why certain emotions and the play with negative thoughts that keep them alive


Residual Peace (After)


      Meditation: techniques that train you to let go and remember that the job is just a job and not your life

      Presence: self-talk, inner questions that stop you from being pulled into unhealthy habits which are only poor substitutes for comfort, self-care which includes physical activity/therapy/alone time

      Emotional Intelligence: understanding others through understanding yourself, you’re no longer an officer/soldier so there is no longer a need to carry this burden in your everyday life/relationships, understanding that others have the same emotions as you, not everyone is out to hurt you, compassion for others



Sign Up For A Class


Contact EZ Awakenings at to schedule a seminar or workshop for your school or institution. We will go over your requirements and limitations and tailor the program for your needs.



Additional Help


Family Members and Caregivers – Resources and support in the U.S. for those caring for someone with a mental illness, including a helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI. (National Alliance on Mental Illness)


Help for family members of U.S veterans with PTSD


Coaching Into Care – Call (888) 823-7458 for free, confidential coaching designed to help family members learn how to talk to their veteran about their concerns and treatment options. (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)


Veterans Crisis Line – A hotline for veterans and their families and friends. Call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)


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