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Your donation will impact people around the world. We not only advocate for access to free mental health education and care, but we take it a step further and create projects to help realize that dream.


Join us now in the creation of Mental Health Unplugged, a docu-series that explores real lives and real mental health issues around the world.

Join our mailing list to stay up to date and hear about our latest projects


We strive to be the best possible stewards of the generous financial commitments that you, our donors and partners make to increase global emotional intelligence.

Donating to our cause will help us achieve this goal. Our dream is realized through projects such as this one. Since we are a non-profit, our projects are fueled by contributions from people like you. Remember, your donations are tax-deductible!
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“At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. With boiling water, comes steam, and with steam, you can power a locomotive. Applying one extra degree makes the difference...” 

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Help Inspire The World To Make Real Change

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Numbers Breakdown

The truth is, raising money is HarD, but that doesn't mean it has to be difficult! Our goal for the TV Series is to raise $160,000. So, let's get inspired. Here are the numbers of people X the donation amount needed to meet our budget needs:
  • 32,000 x $5=    
  • 6,400 x $25=   
  • 3,200 x $50=   
  • 1,600 x $100= 
  • 320 x $500=    
See, these numbers don't look so bad now. Please help us make this show happen by donating today!

How we spend donations

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Educational Material

Handbooks. Study guides. Workbooks. EZ Awakenings creates its own educational material. These pamphlets, handouts, and downloads are used in tandem with our other projects as supplementary material to enhance the experience of our attendees.


Donations designated for educational material are used for the designing, production and printing costs. The more funds we have, the more material we can produce and provide at no cost to underprivileged participants and at charity events and outreach programs. 


Our seminars and workshops are intensives that provide in-person and online programs to deliver in-depth educational panels and performances. Yes, you read right: performances. We at EZ Awakenings like to have fun. As part of our efforts to engage those we communicate with, we have designed our seminars to be part entertainment/part education as to increase engagement and enjoyment. Our audiences love this format.


Money allocated to seminars and workshops is used to conduct free educational seminars for the public. We do charge for most private events, but the more funds we receive the more seminars we can perform for free. Money in this department also goes into the purchasing of props and other design material to increase the quality of our productions.

*Please contact us directly to book a performance in your area.

Outreach Programs

Schools. Prisons. Elderly communities. A major part of EZ Awakenings is taking our projects to segments of the community that aren't normally introduced to introspective perspectives. Schools educate on  Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics, but who learns about their emotions in school? Prisons are all too often concrete boxes that dish out severe forms of soul-crunching punishment, possibly part of the reason inmates repeat their crimes when released. A major part of rehabilitation is the ability to look within and reflect, and that's where we come in. The elderly in almost all societies are all but forgotten, leaving the people that helped to sustain our society often isolated and depressed. EZ Awakenings reaches out, let's the elders of our world know that even they can go within and "Take the Helm". Outreach programs take our educational material, seminars, workshops, and documentaries around the country and around the world, to all walks of life, because it is life, a good and peaceful life, that all walks of life are seeking.


Funds provided to this department are divided into travel costs, production material, rental locations (if needed). The more funds we have for this department, the greater the distance we can travel.

*Please contact us directly to book a performance in your area.


Lights. Camera. Action! Our documentaries are supplementary to our educational material. They are typically free and distributed on Youtube and on our website, but we also play them at our various events. Subjects are always in line with the current project we're running


Funds for this department are used for equipment costs, intellectual property purchasing, travel costs (location, location, location) and talent acquisition. Our dream is to have a large enough budget to produce a documentary to Netflix salivate. 


The meat and potatoes of EZ Awakenings. Without people, there are no performers. Without pay, there are no people. Every organization requires funds to fuel itself. We are no different.



That said, money in this department goes into more than just paychecks. Facility costs, equipment, and shawarma funds for post outreach wrapups to feed our volunteers is another major area for operations funding. 

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