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Not Just Black & White

We live in a world that is constantly changing. We're being confronted with our mortality during this quarantine, and the pandemic has revealed so many fissures in the social system. I'm not just talking about the U.S. either. This is happening all over the world. Where did we lose control? Well, we never had control in the first place. Believing in this illusion is our biggest problem. Decisions are made every day without the slightest acknowledgement of this fact. The system, as it were, is a lot more delicate than previously thought, and now we are paying the price for this lack of care. Our collective ego's need for dominance convinced us that we can just take care of everything by throwing money at it. When all is said and done, we have to realize in the deepest way possible that life is so much more complex. There is so much more to consider than just the economy. We all want to believe money cannot buy happiness, but our lack of faith in ourselves proves that it still makes the world go 'round.

The info-graphic above was an attempt at simplifying the world, but as you can see from all of the information that it is still just an impossible feat to accomplish.

OK, so that's the "bad" news. What is the good news, and what can I take away from all that? The lines have been blurred, and we can no longer move forward if we are constantly judging others. Humans continually indict one another for the smallest shit in the world. As long as it stimulates an emotional reaction in you, that is grounds enough to write someone off as being a lower form of life. We all have the capacity to be the sinner or the saint.

In reality, this all comes from the constant chatter in our own heads. This incessant voice is filled with self criticism, and so within so with out. The inner reflects the outer, always has, always will, and this is where we need to begin. Whenever a judgement comes up, and you feel that charge of reactivity, that is the best opportunity to stop and really look at what is going on inside. Is the judgement/reaction truly justified? If the answer to that question is no, then you have created some room to breathe. Awareness has now become a factor in how you understand life, and process the information you receive from the world. If you answered yes to the question, you still have brought in awareness, and have given yourself a moment to break out of the reactive pattern. That is the purpose of such a question. Either way it has given you the chance to bring forth something different. Constant over-reacting can turn into a bottomless pit of suffering. Through this continuous judging you believe that you're punishing the person or persons who wronged you. Ultimately you are only punishing yourself.

Change begins and ends with you. If you desire to bring justice to the planet, then cease believing that everything is just black and white, right and wrong. It's time to go deeper.

Inspirational Quotes:

“Be transparent. Let's build a community that allows hard questions and honest conversations so we can stir up transformation in one another.”

- Germany Kent

“I long for the day when people embrace our common humanity and respect diversity.”

- Liza M. Wiemer

“There are times on Earth when extraordinary consciousness invades everyday life. There are times on Earth when unseen forces make a calamity of the status quo. There are times on Earth when it seems as though a divine arsonist has set fire to the world as we know it.

— We live in such times.”

- Jacob Nordby

“May we have equal concern for each other to create a unified world.”

- Lailah Gifty Akita

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